Day 30

Living Life

Jill Scott states that she's living life like it's golden. That simply means that she is enjoying what life has to offer. How are you living your life?

Day 29


Love is what the world needs, but in order for the world to receive love, you have got to be in love with yourself. A number of us are having a difficult time expressing love because we have not fully experienced love. Begin with loving yourself. How does loving yourself help you become the extraordinary person you are.

Day 28


R-E-S-P-E-C-T is a must. In order to get respect you must give respect, and that must start with respecting yourself. Explain how you respect yourself and discuss how you know others respect you.

Day 27

Great Minds

When you hear the names Dr. Martin Luther King, Oprah Winfrey, Madame CJ Walker, you think of great minds. Why not add your name to the list, you stand amongst great minds. Your mindset has allowed you to experience life like no other person. As a great minded individual, what do you contribute to the world?

Day 26

Education Fuels My Energy

Education is like drinking Gatorade. It fuels your body. Through the process of teaching and learning, it imparts knowledge. Describe how education fuels you energy.

Day 25


You are anointed, but you don't no it yet. Your anointing provides you with opportunities of a life time. Take the lead and bless others with your anointment. Discuss your anointment reviews.

Day 24

Blessed and Highly Favored 

Say these words, I am blessed and highly favored. Extraordinary people know they are important. Being blessed and highly favored propels your extraordinary abilities. Discuss the blessings that have been bestowed upon you, and how favor has increased your life.

Day 23

Day by Day 

Day by day we strive to live life to its fullest. As an extraordinary human being you are destine for greatness. Explain what it is you do each day to live a fulfilling life?

Day 22


How do you show gratitude? Gratitude is a feeling of being thankful to somebody for doing something. As you move forward on your journey of being extraordinary how will you express your gratitude towards those who have helped you along the way?

Day 21


Perseverance is steady moment. You continue to move forward no matter what. Your forward motion moves you into greatness. You understand that the difficulties and setbacks force you to preserver even more. How has perseverance moved you to do more.

Day 20


Procrastination just gets in the way. It makes you believe you can put things off and wait until the last minute to get it done. Why do procrastinate? What strategies will you implement to minimize procrastination?

Day 19


Happiness, just what is that? We all experience happiness in different ways. One thing is for sure, you feel good. Are you happy with your life? Are you doing things you enjoy doing? Doing things, engaging in activities that are beneficial to your overall happiness. How is happiness going to prepare you for an extraordinary life?

Day 18

Change in Me

The change in me, is the change I want to see. In order to live an extraordinary life, you must be willing to change the things in your life that are hindering your growth and development. What changes are you willing to make to truly live an extraordinary life?

Day 17


Success is the achievement of something planned or attempted that turns out as planned. The minute you entered this world you were a success. Your birth is a testament of God's greatness. He desires and wants you to experience success by being the extraordinary being he created you to be. Discuss various aspects of success and how these successful opportunities have prepared you for your extraordinary life.

Day 16


Challenges prepare us for what's to come. Sometimes we look at challenges as obstacles that impede our progress when in fact challenges are what make us stronger. Describe how your life's challenges have prepared you to live an extraordinary life.

Day 15


As Jesse Jackson says "Keep Hope Alive", your life depends on it. With out hope, what do you have to look forward to? Hope is something that seems possible, its likely to happen. It is my hope that you be the extraordinary being that you are meant to be. How does hope help you with knowing what your extraordinary life will be like?

Day 14

Dream Big, Act Big 

Dream Big, Act Big requires that you not just see where you are going, it requires that you act like you know where you are going. Extraordinary people are fully aware of what lies ahead. They have prepared for this very moment by dreaming big and acting big. Begin today by dreaming big and acting big. Describe what dreaming big and acting big looks like.

Day 13


We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit, how bout you? Spirit is that motivational factor that pumps you up when nothing else is done. You may be full of joy and happiness and wonder why. Your spirit knows that you are extraordinary and sometimes it just takes over to help you along the way. How does your spirit move you.

Day 12

Team Work, Makes The Dream Work

Team work, makes the dream work. Often times we decide to tackle life's challenges and obstacles alone. It does not have to be that way. Your support mechanism is cheering you on. Share your extraordinary life with your support team and your team will support you every step of the way. What does your support team consist of ( if you do not have a support team, think of individuals whom would be willing to encourage and motivate you and ask them to join your team)? Explain how your team supports your dream.

Day 11

Being Fully Committed

You must be fully committed to yourself and part ways with being ordinary if you desire to be extraordinary. Being extraordinary requires full commitment. Are you fully committed to being extraordinary? Discuss how committed you are.

Day 10


Focus on the task at hand. Do not allow anything to get in your way. Focus is the concentrated effort or attention on a particular thing. Focus your attention on being extraordinary. Describe what keeps you focused.

Day 9


Discipline is scary, but we must remember discipline is a friend. Discipline reminds use what we need to do and why we are doing what we do. It helps us stay the course. When we want to stray, discipline is there to slap us in the face, and provides us with correct action. Discuss how being disciplined helps you move forward on this extraordinary journey.

Day 8

You've got to want it as bad as you want to breathe 

You've got to want it as bad as you want to breathe. If your oxygen is cut off, the only thing you think about is breathing. You've got to want to be extraordinary as bad as you want to breathe. How bad do want it? In words, paint a vivid picture of how bad you want to be the extraordinary person you are meant to be.

Day 7


Courage is the will to move forward. Courage is your ability to take a chance to live the life you are destined to live. Discuss how courage gives you the strength to carry on.

Day 6


Fear stunts your growth. You must look fear directly in the face and tell fear, I fear you no more. Step aside you have no power over me. What is your greatest fear? Explain how fear has stopped you from moving forward.

Day 5


Excuses are monuments of nothing that build bridges that lead to nowhere. How often do you make excuses? Better yet, why are you making excuses? You are not being extraordinary because you make excuses for being ordinary. Explain your rational for making excuses. Then discuss how you will dominate excuses all together.

Day 4


Responsibility means being accountable for somebody or for something. Are you willing to be responsible for your life? Are willing to take the necessary steps to experience greatness? Discuss how you will yourself responsible for what goes on in life.

Day 3


What are you willing to sacrifice to take your life to the next level? Being an extraordinary individual requires that you give up your ordinary life. Are you willing to sacrifice the ordinary in order for you to experience the extraordinary? Explain how sacrificing now will pay off later?

Day 2

I must be the change I want to see 

Change starts with you. If you expect change you must be willing to change. What are you willing to do in order to live the life you are destined to live? Be real with yourself, if you want to be extraordinary and not ordinary, change comes with the territory.

Day 1

It All Starts with Me 

Take a good look at what has been going on in your life. Discuss where you are currently, what has transpired to get you there, and what role you played in the process.