Day 10


Focus on the task at hand. Do not allow anything to get in your way. Focus is the concentrated effort or attention on a particular thing. Focus your attention on being extraordinary. Describe what keeps you focused.


  1. Prayer and the Word k of God keeps me focused. When the 'weight of the world drives me to my knees' 'I can always find prayer and jn the this morning in Phillipian 4:1-8..I find it awesome that I just read it this AM before reading today's challenge 'focus'

  2. Prayer and Fasting and the Word of God. This and the goals ahead keep me focused. My family's word's to continue on and they have my back.

  3. My relationship with Christ, and my future family. God is my husband, Jesus best friend, and the Holy Spirit is my prayer partner. So that relationship is vital to my focus because i need them all on a daily bases. My future family helps me focus because they make me want to get myself together so i can truly be a be the wife, mother, grandmother, that i can be.
