Day 6


Fear stunts your growth. You must look fear directly in the face and tell fear, I fear you no more. Step aside you have no power over me. What is your greatest fear? Explain how fear has stopped you from moving forward.


  1. The fear is changed with the person inside. Fear is only what the person believes. This class and the person will change only have to be open minded and keep going.

  2. F-False E-education A-accepted as R-Reality...
    That's what my former pastor in D.C. used to describe fear as. The greatest fear is to submit to fear and miss the promises that God has given me regarding my life

  3. My greatest fear use to be, me being left alone(quiet place) with my OWN thoughts. It would make me feel inadequate which in return would make me think less of myself. My thoughts were not always pure or holy and there were things in my past that i would not talk about. So if i was in a quiet place i would always pay music or something. By not confronting them I wasted years of time.

  4. My greatest fear is taking a direction in life that will not be a blessing for me. It has stopped me from moving in certain directions because of the fear of the outcome.
